This entry is part 19 of 22 in the series The Major Arcana

It greets you as you walk the Bridge between worlds. It shines down upon you, and speaks of secret waiting to be revealed. It is the Moon, and it is ready to reveal all.

You bathe in the Moon’s light, even as you listen to its voice speaking to you. It assures you that what is hidden will soon be revealed. You keep your secrets close, but the Moon tells you that it may time to confront those secrets and cast illusion aside. It wants you to walk the Bridge without hindrance, and those secrets could be weighing you down.

You open yourself, then, to the Moon’s influence. You can feel its light washing away your doubts and illuminating your secrets. You unburden yourself to the Moon, even as it takes the weight away. You feel more free than you have in a long time.

Finally, you walk across the Bridge unencumbered. The Moon watches over you, even as you head toward the truth waiting for you on the other side.

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