Series: The Major Arcana
He stands in his temple, arrayed in religious vestments befitting his station. His robes are pure white, conveying a certain kind of holiness as the Universe’s witness. He is the Hierophant, and he represents your own divine spirituality.
You approach him, your eyes lowered.
“Come, child,” he says. “What is it you seek?”
“I– I don’t know,” you mumble.
“What is it your soul truly seeks?” he asks.
You are quiet for a long moment. You know the answer to the question, but you feel silly presenting it. And yet, you can only answer honestly.
“I seek peace,” you say, so quietly you aren’t sure he can hear you. And yet he responds to your words.
“True peace is found inside your own spirit, young one,” he says. “But you must do the work to find it, to claim it. Are you prepared for that?”
You nod hesitantly, not at all sure that you are actually up to the task. Your spirit is twisted, conflicted, and you know it will be difficult to sort it out.
“I will do my best,” you hear yourself say.
“There will be others along the same path who will help you,” he says. “But beware of those who would do you harm. You will know them by their energy, those who have your best interests at heart and those who don’t.”
You nod, not trusting yourself to speak. He takes your hands and raises them in a blessing. “You can do this,” he says. “Trust in yourself, and trust the Universe to guide you. What you seek will not be accomplished in a day, or even a week. But it is attainable, and I have no doubt that, in time, you will find the peace you seek.”
He smiles and releases your hands. You nod in thanks and turn to leave. Your path has just begun.