The Reality of Disconnection

The Reality of Disconnection

Several years ago, I was a fairly prolific writer. Long thoughts, short thoughts, essays and articles and stories. All came pouring out from my fingertips almost in a flood. There was some ebb and flow, of course, but overall I was pretty consistent in my output. I...


I swim in a sea of perpetual motion, swaying back and forth in time with an invisible tide that originates from within my own body. My heart beats to a rhythm both unseen and unknowable, and I feel my vision blur in and out repeatedly as each pulse thrums throughout...
Christmas Cheerless

Christmas Cheerless

I’m sitting here, cup of coffee in hand — slowly cooling — Christmas music playing in the background on my Alexa Echo device. My kids are playing Minecraft, begging for my attention every few minutes to show me something new they’ve built or...


Every day this week has been a battle. The panic I feel inside has been progressive, starting with mild anxiety on Monday and progressing steadily toward a panic attack that lasted all afternoon and into the evening Thursday. It’s a battle with no winners, only...
Challenges, and a Year to Remember

Challenges, and a Year to Remember

To say that 2020 has been a challenging year would be an understatement of epic proportions. The rise of COVID-19 has turned the year into one that no one is likely to forget anytime soon. It has upset the status quo of the entire world and left so many of us bereft...
Children at Play

Children at Play

I sit on a swing at the park, watching my children at play around me. They scurry and run and leap and climb during this first warm day we’ve had in several weeks. They’re loving the warm weather, as am I. One of their favorite games is hide and seek,...

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