Series: The Major Arcana
It is a long, silver sword suspended in the air over a low altar. It gleams in the light, as rays of sunlight play along its surface and edges. A placard on the altar declares this the sword of Justice, with Karma as its close companion.
Justice and Karma pair together to represent cause and effect. Justice says all actions have consequences. Karma says that the Universe will ultimately restore balance.
You stand before the sword, taking in its wondrous majesty. You can feel the strength that resonates from it, the inevitability of its judgment, the inescapability of its ultimate truth. You can sense Karma beside it, as well, and you know that the ramifications of all actions will be fair and balanced to the cause the created them.
Justice invites you to touch it, and you reach up with a tentative hand to place your palm flat against the blade. You do not take the sword, for you feel that would be an act of violence. But just this light contact seems to be about right. You have struggled for a while now with actions that have not been met with authority, but you can tell now that the time has not yet arrived for those actions to be arbitrated. Patience is the key, and trust that Karma will arrive on swift wings and Justice will be served.