Series: The Rusted Blade
- Swordmaiden
- Paladin
- Rust, Blood, and Flame
- Light, Faith, and Sacrament
- Feeding the Flame
- The Fire Consuming
- An Embrace Eternal
- Dancing with Death
- A Chosen Tool
- Silence after the Storm
- A True Beginning
- Distant Whispers
- In Presence Exalted
- Servants of Fire
- Of the Dark, Of the Light
- A Warm Glow
- An Introduction and a Challenge
- Flames of the Fire
- Blazing Sparks
- Burning Coals
- Rebirth by Flame
- Aspects of Divinity
- Burden’s Release
- Cold Fire – and Hot Fury
- Resolve and Passion
- Grim Purpose
- That Which Is Given
- Grim Focus
- Weight and Depth
- Grim Satisfaction
- Slaughter and Sacrifice
- Grim Determination
- Duty and Death
- Grim Destruction
- Grim Fury
Malika strode with purpose back toward the ruin of her village, caring little whether or not the holy man Orthael followed. She would complete her task, with his help or without it. It mattered not to her which way the work at hand was done.
She passed through the clearing where moments before she had just performed her ballet of death. She was surprised at just how many bodies littered the ground in a circular pattern around where she had stood and fought. Dozens of Lycanders lay dead, broken and ruined, relieved forever of their neverending curse. Malika looked as she passed, feeling no remorse for their deaths, only pity. These were neither Dead nor Deathless. Instead, they were merely mortals unfortunate enough to have been afflicted by their shapeshifting forms.
The forest around her was silent now. Her dance of death had been completed, and now there were either none left to challenge her or none brave enough to face her. Just as well. The fury she had previously felt had now dimmed to a cold anger.