Series: The Rusted Blade
- Swordmaiden
- Paladin
- Rust, Blood, and Flame
- Light, Faith, and Sacrament
- Feeding the Flame
- The Fire Consuming
- An Embrace Eternal
- Dancing with Death
- A Chosen Tool
- Silence after the Storm
- A True Beginning
- Distant Whispers
- In Presence Exalted
- Servants of Fire
- Of the Dark, Of the Light
- A Warm Glow
- An Introduction and a Challenge
- Flames of the Fire
- Blazing Sparks
- Burning Coals
- Rebirth by Flame
- Aspects of Divinity
- Burden’s Release
- Cold Fire – and Hot Fury
- Resolve and Passion
- Grim Purpose
- That Which Is Given
- Grim Focus
- Weight and Depth
- Grim Satisfaction
- Slaughter and Sacrifice
- Grim Determination
- Duty and Death
- Grim Destruction
- Grim Fury
They fought on. Orthael gave ground again and again, knowing that he could not – would not – strike her. She threw him a dangerously open slice, daring him to show her that Fire destroyed without meaning or mercy. But that was not the case. He caught her blade in his shield hand.
“Iridimae, il jarin va shaüme aus.” The Fire’s light warms and protects us.
His left arm became encased in golden light a heartbeat before fire erupted from the swordmaiden’s blade, licking greedily at the light. Orthael resisted a temptation to scream in pain and threw his Judgement aside to grip her shoulder with his open hand.
“Men reflect Firelight imperfectly – the Church does not serve as many as it should, as well as it should. Men -“
His arm burned brighter, globs of flame dropping to the ground. Trembling, he fell to one knee as flame filled his vision.
“The All-Consumer will take your pain, if you would only release it!”
He closed his eyes, feeling the golden light spread to his other hand and the girl beyond.