Looking Into the Abyss

A friend of mine wrote this end of last week and emailed it to me, declaring it blogworthy. ((She doesn’t yet have a blog of her own, though I’ve offered her server space to set one up.)) After reading it, I agree, and she has given me permission to share...

Why Does God Love Us?

“Rob”:http://www.unspace.net has been sharing a series of articles about a friend of his that has had a significant impact on his life. “Part 3”:http://www.unspace.net/2006/03/deb-3-struggle-on-a-golf-course/ of the series received the...

Questioning the Ultimate Authority

I’ve heard the question asked many times, “Why should _I_ obey God on anything, let alone on the things I don’t understand? Now, I don’t think I have ever heard the question phrased exactly like that, but it does nicely summarize the doubts and...

Satan vs. God

There’s an interesting little discussion going on “over here”:http://www.temple-of-lore.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=133813#133813: the thing i always wonder about is how much evil was there in Satan to begin with? i mean if...

Erroneous Assumptions

I’ve enjoyed reading “The Banana Republican”:http://thebananarepublican.blogspot.com. Every single one of his entries is short yet extremely intellectually stimulating. Naturally, most of the thoughts expressed there are based on certain assumptions...

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