
Heresy is a far broader definition than the one which I am about to apply. “freethoughtmom”: asked this question in “this discussion”: bq. Who decides which teachings are...


I used to think, as a kid, that apologetics was a method for apologizing for something. When I learned about it in the context of religious faith, I kind of figured that apology was not really what apologetics was all about, since I couldn’t understand why...


bq. He could have created us as peers, with all His knowledge and wisdom, so we could relate to Him perfectly. But even such created beings would still be inferior because they would not be gods. “#”: How can the created...

Plank. Mote. Sound Familiar?

Why do we tend to focus more on the fact that others often hurt us with their words, however unintentionally, rather than on our own response to those people? How is that we forget that we are _not_ responsible for how others interact with us but rather we hold _full_...


The Society of Serpents and Doves: Ruminating on the Emergent Church “Dr. Mark Caleb Smith”: writes about the emergent church movement, addressing many of the same concerns that I’ve “mentioned...

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