

It’s been a minute since I’ve shared an update on my mental health. I feel like I’ve been chasing the anxiety spectre for a long time, ever since I discovered eight years ago that anxiety was part of my mental health diagnosis. I’ve been...
The Reality of Disconnection

The Reality of Disconnection

Several years ago, I was a fairly prolific writer. Long thoughts, short thoughts, essays and articles and stories. All came pouring out from my fingertips almost in a flood. There was some ebb and flow, of course, but overall I was pretty consistent in my output. I...
Beasts versus Monsters

Beasts versus Monsters

I’m tired tonight. Depressed, even. Just as I was yesterday. I feel run low, laid out on the tarmac of life to be run over by monsters of my own devising and picked apart by mythical birds of prey. My flesh feels torn, my heart rent in two, my mind dampened and...
Normalize Mental Illness

Normalize Mental Illness

  I saw a meme on Facebook this morning that struck a chord with me: One of my goals in talking about my mental health has always been to reduce and ultimately banish the stigma of mental illness — for good and for all. We’ve come a long way in the...
Following Medical Directions

Following Medical Directions

So, I messed up. Sort of. I followed my doctor’s directions, even when I was pretty sure I shouldn’t. You see, almost two weeks ago, he put me on Abilify because my Effexor had stopped working for me. I’d fallen into a deep state of depression for...

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