iPhone 4 Photos

One of my favorite things about upgrading to the iPhone 4 from the 3G is the 5-megapixel camera. Granted, it’s no competition for a professional DSLR camera, but the pictures the iPhone 4 produces are still pretty dang snazzy. Pair it up with the Camera+ app I...


I’ve been playing around with a new camera app for my iPhone over the last few days called Camera+. It’s a pretty sweet little utility that allows you to snap pictures and apply some ready-to-use filters. My favorite, by far, is the Grunge filter as it...

Natural Optical Illusion?

Sunset 2 by gilg72 : Weather Underground. Take a close look at this photo. Actually, check that. View it at a comfortable reading distance and let your eyes go slightly out of focus, like you’re trying to look at something behind the photo. Does anyone else get...

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