Heroes: The Hard Part

It’s nice to see some lingering humanity in our favorite villain. He’s still a monster – but apparently he’s got a code of ethics, such as it is. Sylar kills the other Specials, takes their abilities, because he views them as being unworthy. He...

Working Tunes

I’m in the midst of a mindless horror at work right now – weeding out two-thirds of the rows in a 2166-row Excel spreadsheet by manually comparing nine individuals columns (out of about 21). Yes, _this_ is excitement in all its raw form and power. Oh, see!...


Wanna see something gross? Pick up your computer keyboard, hold it upside down, and shake.

One Column or Two?

Excuse me for a moment while I toss out a little mini-rant… I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for a nice single-column theme to use on my blog. I’ve got Daydream, which I’m using now and that I like quite a lot, but I’m always interested...

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