Dead Gods

“Our gods are dead. We have killed them, and now we don’t know what to do with the bodies.” _Brother Lucius, Hierarch, Order of Kalesto_

Diversity in SFF

“Could it, perchance, have something to do with culture or gender differences?”:

Machine Enema

Mike Rouse – a.k.a. sodaGod – is the man. He is _el capitan_ of Machine Enema, a Halo-based “machinima”: group. Of all the machinima producers out there right now, Machine Enema produces the best quality...

Heroes: The Hard Part

It’s nice to see some lingering humanity in our favorite villain. He’s still a monster – but apparently he’s got a code of ethics, such as it is. Sylar kills the other Specials, takes their abilities, because he views them as being unworthy. He...

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