Webcomic Site Designs

I’ve been perusing the archives for a variety of webcomics in the last couple of weeks, and I’ve seen a wide range of site designs for these comics ranging from abysmal to superb. There are two things I’ve come across that annoy the bejeebers out of...

Blog Content Accessibility

I have something against blogs that make it difficult to read them remotely. I’m a big fan of RSS feeds. They’re the things that allow busy folks to keep track of the latest and greatest happenings on the Web with much greater ease. So there are a couple...

BlueSands Numbers

I’ve got to say that my site’s stats from yesterday alone make my numbers from the rest of the month look paltry by comparison – nearly 1000 hits yesterday, mostly directed at my BlueSands WordPress theme. The next closest day this month is around...


I’ve been working pretty steadily over the last several days to complete the theme that now adorns this blog. At this point, I’d say it’s about 90% complete. The 10% that remains involves a whole lot of tweaking and validating code before it’s...

Learning PHP

I’m sandboxing PHP today (not to be confused with playing with the “Sandbox”:http://plaintxt.org/themes/sandbox theme from the fine folks over at “plaintxt.org”:http://plaintxt.org), working on learning the code so that I can start coding...

Bit by the Coding Bug

I’m getting my inner geek on – again. I spent the majority of my day today trying to figure out how to crosspost from WordPress to MySpace. I’d found a “hack that looked like it had...