I’m sandboxing PHP today (not to be confused with playing with the “Sandbox”:http://plaintxt.org/themes/sandbox theme from the fine folks over at “plaintxt.org”:http://plaintxt.org), working on learning the code so that I can start coding the stuff from scratch, instead of just being able to hack other people’s work. I’ve been wanting to do this for awhile now, and well, I have quite a bit of free time on my hands these days, so this seems like as good a time as any to learn a new skill. I’ve got the PHP tutorial up in a tab, and I’m working through it step by step.

I’ve got at least a couple of plugins I’d like to write for WordPress, things that I haven’t seen anyone else put together yet. Trouble is, I don’t know enough yet to write these plugins myself. I plan to change that. And heck, maybe I’ll even be able to add my own weight to some of the WordPress development somewhere down the road.

Anyway, time’s a-wasting. Back to the tutorial. So far, I’m finding PHP coding to be pretty straightforward. But then again, I learned C Programming several years back. This really isn’t all that much different. It’s fun!

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