Hi, there, Nameless Professional Job Recruiter,
I’m reaching out today to thank you for the targeted, personal communication seeking out my skills and interests for the position in question. I appreciate the fact that you took the time to address me by name rather than using a generic greeting, and that you emailed me personally rather than including me in a mass email bomb. That personal touch is what drew me to respond to your query about my interest in the position.
However, since none of the above actually happened, I wanted to let you know that I have zero interest in the position and no interest whatsoever with working with your company. The fact that I have a background in the specific web development skills you listed is irrelevant. The fact that you chose to add my name to an email bomb because of these skills is, quite frankly, insulting. I realize a mass mailing is easier for you because it requires less legwork on your part and therefore less time. Your job is to attract as much talent as possible in as brief a time as possible, thus saving your company money. But a mass mailing is a poor way to go about doing business, even if it garners results for you. It’s unprofessional, insulting, and lazy. If I choose to work with a recruiting company, it’s because they have taken the time out of their day to contact me on a personal level, whether it be a direct email or, even better, a phone call. You chose neither option in this case, implying that my skills and portfolio are little more than meat for your professional grinder to cull through.
I realize my tone and temper in this response are harsh and blunt, but you have to understand that I am more than just a number in your system. I have recruiters contacting me all the time, and maybe only one out of ten ever actually takes the time to contact me directly and get to know me before jumping in with a job pitch. Perhaps this reply to cause you to rethink your approach, but I suspect it will not because the way you have gone about this now and in past mailings has clearly proven effective enough for you to repeat the process time and again.
So, I request that you remove my name from any future mailings you do and even remove my name from your system so you can’t “accidentally” include me in any future email bombs. If you want to work with me, then please have the professional courtesy to reach out to me personally. I will receive that approach much more warmly and with a greater appreciation for you as a recruiter and for your company.
Thank you.