Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Here’s my pattern for today so far – get some work done, take a break and critique a story, take a break from that and get some more work done, go back and critique another story. This is a weekly pattern I can expect to repeat for some time into the...

Double Drabble

Wow, two new contributors in the one day! Charles Richard Laing adds his pen to the ranks at “Flashes of Speculation”: with his humorous tale called “Fish...

Going the Cycle

My latest and greatest curveball is up over at “The Curveball Conspiracy”: Michael O’Mahoney, owner of the site, had this to say about “Going the Cycle”: Completely mental… I loved it. That...

Bits of Burning Rock

I hadn’t realized until my wife and I moved back out to the country just how many shooting stars fall in a given night. Nearly every time I am outside, in the dark, to feed the horses, whether it be early morning or after sunset, I usually see at least one or...


I’m curious – how many other “Liberty Hall Writers”: do we have here? I just joined up and am looking forward to bettering my craft.

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