Astronomical Conjunction

Did anyone get to observe the “conjunction of the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter”: “last...

Link Roundup

I don’t generally do link roundups, but in this case, there are a handful of notables, and I don’t really have the time or energy to write about each one individually. “Antibiotics for Sinusitis”:

A Conflict of Viewpoints

Man, I really hate “falling under a label”: that seems to generate so much animosity and antagonism from folks in the scientific community – that being, in this case, Creationist (as...

Comet McNaught

Looks like yet another cool astronomical phenonmenon is going to pass me by before I’ll get to see it. I’ve been checking the horizon every night for the past several days in hopes of being able to see Comet McNaught, but unfortunately, I’ve been...


Boing Boing: Dawkins: Why There Almost Certainly Is No God I grow weary of continual “he said, she said” rhetoric. It’s a major part of why I’ve more or less tuned out politics, why I’ve even, to some extent, tuned out of religious and...