Challenged to Write Better

I’d like to do a weekly write-up of writing techniques and tips learned from each “Liberty Hall”: challenge I take part in. That means I’m now two weeks behind, since I had intended to do a write-up for last...


And “Jason Evans”: has added his pen to the list of contributing writers at “Flashes of Speculation”: with his piece entitled...


My “interview”: with Flood of “FlashFlood”: has gone live. Go give it a read. You might learn something about...


I’m at a point in my writing where I think I need to establish a more specific set of goals. I feel like I’ve stagnated a bit where I am, so it’s time to raise the bar a little. In no particular order: Submit one short story a month. The only way to...

“Pardon me, but…”

I have discovered that being critiqued (and edited) is a bit like being caught with your fly down. Someone else is pointing out what should have been obvious, and it’s profoundly embarrassing. It’s amazing how much comes out of a critique, things that you...

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