IQ Tests That Really Aren’t

I’m kind of annoyed by all the so-called intelligence tests that keep popping up on Facebook. Most of these tests cover topics like celebrities, TV shows and movies, music, etc. – essentially topics involving entertainment and popular media in US culture....

GREs and PhDs

Well, that went well. I took my GREs again this past Saturday, since my previous set of scores had exceeded their shelf-life by about a year. It took me about three hours to complete the exam, which is actually about an hour longer than I expected it to take (of...

GREs and Back (Hopefully) To Grad School

My previous set of GRE General Test scores exceeded their five-year limit this past April, so in order to go back to grad school and start work on a Ph.D. in Statistics, I need to retake the exam and generate a fresh set of scores. This actually isn’t as bad a...

BlueSands Numbers

I’ve got to say that my site’s stats from yesterday alone make my numbers from the rest of the month look paltry by comparison – nearly 1000 hits yesterday, mostly directed at my BlueSands WordPress theme. The next closest day this month is around...

I’m a Hermit

I do these things very seldom, and I share the results even less frequently, and I don’t do Tarot cards at all, but the result from this little survey was dead-on for my personality. Occasionally, one of these things actually works out. Now, to do a statistical...