Who’s the More Dysfunctional?

Some things just won’t let me alone until I write about them, and this is one of those things. I read in the news yesterday that Saddam Hussein had taken to protesting his own trial by going on a hunger strike. Add this to his other antics – shouting,...

Justice of Capital Punishment

I participated in a discussion a while back with a handful of people on a discussion forum I frequent. The topic was capital punishment in general and rape crimes in particular. Specifically, the question was whether or not rapists should be put to death, imprisoned...

Westboro at Lafayette

Fred Phelps brought his rag-tag band of religious misfits to Lafayette this past Monday to picket the funeral of one our local GIs. I assume you’ve heard of this group from the Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church? They certainly have made enough noise at so...

Inform Yourself

It aggravates me when I hear people talk who clearly have no idea what they are talking about. There have been a number of topics in the news lately that I have _wanted_ to comment on but simply won’t because I know I don’t have the whole picture. For...

Disbelief At Differing Conclusions

One of the things that I think I find most irritating is when people make the assumption that, just because you hold a different viewpoint than them, you 1) must be mis- or underinformed; 2) must be spouting the standard ‘party’ line; and 3) must be unable...

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