Point of Reference

AFA – Should Congress pass a law making BC/AD the official method of dating time? I’ve “mentioned”:http://open-dialogue.com/blog/?p=38 before how I believe that Christians have a bad habit of picking their political battles unwisely. I actually...

Saving Time – Sort Of

As some of you may or may not know, Indiana switched back to Daylight Savings Time for the first time in about 30 years. Now, I grew up doing the DST clock switcheroo, so for me this was not a huge adjustment. For some Indiana natives, however, it was apparently...

Classical Abuse

“Group Thinks Classical Music Will Deter Hartford Crime”:http://www.nbc30.com/news/7742633/detail.html?subid=10101541 I knew that a lot of people today dislike classical music, but I had no idea just how much until now. It seems that a community in...

Avoiding Tunnelvision

Well, as it turns out, attending the annual INAIR(Indiana Association of Institutional Research) conference didn’t afford me quite as much time and energy to write as I had hoped. It’s amazing just how numb your mind gets after you’ve sat through...

Gay Adoptions

Sometimes, finding consistency and balance in various aspects of my personal worldview isn’t easy. For instance, I believe that homosexuality is wrong, that it is sin, and that it should be avoided and abstained from by even the most blatant of...

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