Heroes Returns – In Theory

“Heroes”:http://www.nbc.com/Heroes is back this coming Monday, and does anyone actually remember where we left off? This ultra-long break has left me, for one, very disconnected from the _Heroes_ storyline. They had better give us a nice, long montage at...

There Are Others

As it turns out, I’m not the only one “who’s bugged”:http://sqt-fantasy-sci-fi-girl.blogspot.com/2007/03/gimme-that-old-dvd.html about _Heroes_ going on extended hiatus again. It seems that viewers are all a bit annoyed at the way our favorite...

Heroes Voice-overs

Just a quick thought as something of a longer-than-usual aside: In the beginning of _Heroes_, Mohinder Suresh did these contemplative voice-overs, both at the beginning and at the ending. They were beautiful and rich, even if I didn’t necessarily agree with the...


I don’t know what NBC is playing at, but a six-week break?! You’ve got to be kidding me! _Heroes_ only just came back from the mid-season break over the holidays and already they’re taking another hiatus from the show. I don’t know whose...

Company Man

Tim Kring is really starting to stretch even _my_ suspension of disbelief. I’m perfectly willing to assume that certain things are true within a specific speculative fiction universe for the sake of enjoyment. I’m not one of those people who like to...

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