Heroes: How To Stop An Exploding Man

I’ve little good to say about this season finale. To say it was anti-climactic would be a major understatement. It was simply terrible. Sure, Kring tied up most of his loose ends – Claire found her adoptive father again, Niki finally banished the demon of...

Heroes: Landslide

Next to last episode of the season, and this one comes with a bit of the good and a bit of the bad. Let’s start with the bad. Once again, Mr. Kring demonstrates a bad case of clumsy screen-writing. He’s driving at a goal, that being the impression that the...

Heroes: The Hard Part

It’s nice to see some lingering humanity in our favorite villain. He’s still a monster – but apparently he’s got a code of ethics, such as it is. Sylar kills the other Specials, takes their abilities, because he views them as being unworthy. He...

Heroes: Five Years Gone

I have to admit, Mr. Kring, that last night’s episode was better than some of your most recent episodes have been. It wasn’t blow-you-out-of-the-water good, it wasn’t showstopping or jawdropping, but the scripting was at least consistent and driving...

Heroes: .07%

I just love it when I’m right. I had predicted that Linderman was himself special, hence his fascination and connection with every single one of our heroes in this show – and I was right! Granted, the man is also a stark, raving lunatic, but I do believe...

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