Double Drabble

Wow, two new contributors in the one day! Charles Richard Laing adds his pen to the ranks at “Flashes of Speculation”: with his humorous tale called “Fish...


We’ve added another name to the list of contributors at “Flashes of Speculation”: Hana K. Lee has submitted a creepy story entitled “Another Day”:


Sandra Seamans submitted a nice little “drabble”: to “Flashes of Speculation”: called “A Rage of...


Things over at “Flashes of Speculation”: have slowed down quite a bit the last couple of days. I blame at least part of that on the site’s relative immaturity – it has, after all, only been live for just over a week...


StumbleUpon I literally stumbled on this great website. I noticed early this morning that “Flashes of Speculation”: was getting a lot of hits from a site called StumbleUpon. It wasn’t one I’d heard of before, and I...

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