I literally stumbled on this great website. I noticed early this morning that “Flashes of Speculation”:http://open-dialogue.com/fs was getting a lot of hits from a site called StumbleUpon. It wasn’t one I’d heard of before, and I was half afraid it was another one of those spamming websites. But I decided to go ahead and check it out. I was surprised to find that Stumbleupon is something along the lines of a social bookmarking site. What’s different, however, is that StumbleUpon has a toolbar that installs into Firefox (there may be one for IE, too; I’m not sure), allowing the user to sign up for an account. Once this is done, you can ‘Stumble’ through sites under your chosen categories of interest, revealing little gems that may have heretofore gone undiscovered. You can also rate sites you like, tag them, review them, and thus share them with others stumbling through the same tagged categories.
I’m working on adding some of the sites I frequent, hoping to direct a little more traffic towards them. If you’re interested in seeing some of these places, feel free to stop by my “profile”:http://stitzelj.stumbleupon.com/ and look down through. And any traffic you might be willing to send here or to Flashes would be greatly appreciated, as well.
I LOVE StumbleUpon. Found some great sites.
Wow, that sounds pretty cool. I gotta check that out.