Things over at “Flashes of Speculation”: have slowed down quite a bit the last couple of days. I blame at least part of that on the site’s relative immaturity – it has, after all, only been live for just over a week now.

Flashes is still open to story submissions (so long as they are under 1000 words), and it is definitely still open for comments and reader feedback. So if you haven’t submitted something yet, please do so. And if you haven’t stopped by to read and comment, again, please drop by. The more people involved, the more successful the site will be.

As such there’s only so much one man can do to advertise. I’ve asked a couple of the bigger sites I frequent to add their shoutout and advertise Flashes. I would ask the same favor here – if you read this blog, I would be most appreciative if you could “pimp” Flashes of Speculation on your own (and anywhere else you think it might be seen). I am also open to suggestions and ideas of other places where I could post a link. I’d like to draw a lot more traffic to Flashes and see if we can establish a very robust community of speculative flash fiction writers. So, please, any help you can give would be GREATLY appreciated.

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