Popular Elections – Not What You Think

I love today’s Non-Sequitur: ((Though I have to admit that most days I do find the comic just plain strident.)) It _does_ seem like we elect government officials based on emotions and popularity and how pretty we think they are, rather than electing them based...

Ray of Sunshine

On a day when everything is a bit on the rough side, “a ray of sunshine”:http://comic.shamuswrites.com/2007/11/14/reclaimer-chapter-one-part-eight-more-than-genetics/#comment-22 appears. There’s nothing a writer loves to hear more than a comment like...

Reclaimer: Secrecy

“I love this”:http://halo.bungie.org/news.html?item=20941, because it’s exactly the right question to ask here. My Halo-based comic “Reclaimer” continues today with more expatiation from Ferial. He is continuing to fill the Reclaimer in...

Friend or Foe?

The crassness of the last frame aside, “today’s Ctrl+Alt+Del”:http://cad-comic.com/comic.php?d=20070917 actually makes me laugh because I can remember writing notes like that back when I was an insecure and outcast fifth grader. I’d recently...

Comic Boot

“Non-sequitur” is real close to getting the boot from my list of comics on my daily read.

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