On a day when everything is a bit on the rough side, “a ray of sunshine”:http://comic.shamuswrites.com/2007/11/14/reclaimer-chapter-one-part-eight-more-than-genetics/#comment-22 appears. There’s nothing a writer loves to hear more than a comment like this, and it certainly pushes the clouds aside a little bit.
I love doing the _Reclaimer_ comic. At the moment I enjoy even more than writing a short story or a piece of flash fiction. _Reclaimer_ is letting me tap into several of my interests and hobbies at the same time – writing, graphical manipulation, Halo 3, web design, and more. It’s kind of like the best of all worlds bundled up in this little nutshell of yummy goodness.
I was worried initially that I wouldn’t be able to produce a comic that would grab the interest of veteran comic book readers. I’ve never really been into comics all that much, never had much access to them as a kid, other than the ones that appeared in the Sunday paper. I’ve read a comic book here and there over the years, and I do subscribe to several online comics now, but relatively speaking, I’m pretty new to the comic book genre. So you can probably imagine that it’s intensely gratifying to be producing a comic series that continues to generate positive comments. I look forward to every writing session and to setting up the scenes in Halo 3, capturing the necessary screenshots, and then manipulating them in Photoshop to produce each page. It’s a relaxing process for me, and one that I enjoy more and more every time I do it.
Have any of my readers here tuned in to the comic? I’m curious to know if the comic has been able to break the barrier past the gaming community.
It’s always wonderful to be appreciated. I’ll admit, I’ve not read the comic since I’m just not a comic person and I’m not much of a gamer. Although, I do know what Halo is.
jayne d’Arcy » lol – Fortunately, I don’t think you have to be a gamer to appreciate the story line of Reclaimer. Not being a comic book fan, well, I can’t do much about that. ;-)
You shouldn’t be surprised at those comments. You are doing an absolutely amazing job! You are so talented.
bs angel » Yeah, well, I’m still flummoxed. I’m loving this project, so I’m just thrilled that others seem to be enjoying it as much as I am. :)
So, you must fill me in. Why the change in the appearance of the comic? I must get the inside scoop!
bs angel » I actually posted the ‘why’ in the news section on Reclaimer’s site, but basically it boils down to the fact that, with certain screenshots, the Poster Edges filter was obscuring a lot of visual details and taking away from the overall clarity of the images and story as a whole. As much as I like the look of the Poster Edges filter when it works, the results have been too inconsistent for my liking. I’d rather drop the filter and maintain a high level of visual clarity than continue to use it and allow the comic to suffer from blurriness.