Not Quite Right

I’ve finally realized the first of my hand-drawn comics. Constant readers of this blog may recall seeing a couple of stick-figure drawings I’ve done in the past that I titled Not Quite Right. Well, now “Not Quite...

Two New Comic Characters

Meet Jessica. She’s the first of the characters I’ve created for the webcomic I will eventually be drawing. She’s smart, sexy, and often sarcastic, and she’s one of a team of space-faring adventurers manning an exploration outpost on another...

My Art Studio

I spent some time yesterday clearing off my desk because I’ve added some supplies to my art cache. I’m starting to experiment and play around with drawing some new art, inking it, and scanning it into Photoshop to play with colors. Basically, I’m...

Bitstrips and Spacechips

I’ve really kind of gotten into the whole webcomics culture lately. The more I write “Reclaimer”:, the more I like the whole notion and business of webcomics. I like to write, I like to play around with visual graphics,...

Reclaimer As the Question

Over at “io9”:, there’s an editorial about why science fiction does better in movies than in TV. Disregarding my own opinions on which is better and more enjoyable, this quote...

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