Not My Voice

They speak as though for many, when in reality they speak for so few. Their cause is just, their motive good, their methods less than desirable. They gain media attention, the negative kind, of course, because their “words are so...

But What If You’re Wrong?

I don’t typically spend a lot of time ruminating on song lyrics, but I’m going to make an exception tonight. A “thread”: was started on a particular...

The Name of Jesus Removed From Prayer

Ministers divided over federal court’s prayer ruling | The federal court ruled this week that prayers in the Indiana House of Representatives must not mention Jesus or endorse particular religions. Naturally, there have been expressions of outrage....

Don’t Disengage Your Brain

bq. “franky”: “writes”: Hi, I just noticed that I’m on your blogroll and I was wondering why you have an atheist on your blogroll...

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