What Is Easy

bq. Now is the time that we must choose between what is right, and what is easy. ~Albus Dumbledore This quote from the movie _Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire_ is a variation on a quote from the book itself, and it carries a valuable lesson that can be applied to...


CrossConnector I “stumbled”:http://flocksucks.wordpress.com/2005/11/30/web-20-evangelism/ across “CrossConnector”:http://www.crossconnector.com/ while running my daily blog search-and-read. Despite garnering the usual...

‘Holiday’ or ‘Christmas’?

Boston “holiday tree” stirs controversy – Yahoo! News I have to wonder just much this really matters. The city of Boston deviated from tradition this year, renaming the Christmas tree a holiday tree, sparking an uproar among the conservative...

In the Background

Christianity is a faith, I believe, that functions in the background. Or at least it should. The Christian faith is a personal one. It functions as the relationship of individual to Deity, but it is also a function of individual to individual. The most effective...


The master potter worked the wheel with his foot, furiously pumping the pedal and spinning the table as he molded and shaped the block of dark clay. He expert hands worked with practiced skill, dipping repeatedly into the bowl of water at his side as he kept the clay...

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