A Warm Glow

This entry is part 16 of 35 in the series The Rusted BladeOrthael watched the child raise her weapon to point at him, felt the Judgement shiver slightly in recognition. Through it, the All-Consumer whispered of times long past, when demigods and archangels had come to...

An Introduction and a Challenge

This entry is part 17 of 35 in the series The Rusted Blade“I ask you again,” Malika said. “Who be you, and how be it you come to be here, just at this very moment? Be you a final test, holy man or not, to confirm my resolve, to baptize me in the fire...

Flames of the Fire

This entry is part 18 of 35 in the series The Rusted Blade“Orthael!” she spat. “Protector of life, servant of the All-Consumer.” Her voice dripped disdain. “Summoned by a local parish, no doubt.” Orthael nodded. “To protect...
Blazing Sparks

Blazing Sparks

This entry is part 19 of 35 in the series The Rusted BladeOrthael felt her blow crash into his guard with a stunning violence. He spun to deliver a pommel strike and felt her duck under him before his shield caught two quick blows. Judgement came back around, its edge...
Blazing Sparks

Burning Coals

This entry is part 20 of 35 in the series The Rusted BladeThey fought on. Orthael gave ground again and again, knowing that he could not – would not – strike her. She threw him a dangerously open slice, daring him to show her that Fire destroyed without...

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