Jim Stitzel

Jack-of-All-Trades, Master of Words

Excerpts from Life

Of Fickle “Friendships”

Of Fickle “Friendships”

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve seen two people from my inner support circle leave that circle. The choice was theirs to make. And while I attempted to repair those broken bonds, no healing was possible. In both cases I don’t believe there was anything I did that was wrong or any action I took that was incorrect — and believe me, I looked.



It's 4:30am and I'm wide awake already. It appears it's going to be yet another short night, which means I'm going to be running my day on a sleep deficit. This is nothing new. I've been living my life like this for months now. It just means I'm going to have to be...

Following Medical Directions

Following Medical Directions

So, I messed up. Sort of. I followed my doctor’s directions, even when I was pretty sure I shouldn’t. You see, almost two weeks ago, he put me on Abilify because my Effexor had stopped working for me. I’d fallen into a deep state of depression for almost five days, and I was the most miserable that I’ve been since that day three-and-a-half years ago when I was admitted to the hospital. I wasn’t suicidal this time, but I was suffering deeply, and I was ready for some relief.


Burden’s Release

This entry is part 23 of 35 in the series The Rusted Blade

“Who be you,” Malika whispered once more, her head leaning still against the stranger’s chest. “Orthael you may be. Paladin you may be. But you be not like the others who would have come before, the others who would have seen me yet not seen me. They be complacent and indifferent.”


It’s been raining for two days straight, and I’m afraid to go out. I’ve seen what those torrents do to people who venture outside. Cascades of water sweep down the street, and the rain itself is dangerous as hell.

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