Podcasts, iPods, and Cory Doctorow

I’ve finally loaded my first podcast on my iPod Nano, even though I’ve been downloading podcasts for several months now. I made some room on my Nano by removing some music I don’t listen to very often, and then added “Cory...

Halo 3 and Forge

Just before we received the news that “Halo 3 has gone Gold”:http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12737, we were treated to a delectable little video demonstrating the awesomeness that is the Forge customization module in Halo 3....


I think I finally tracked down the memory leak in Firefox. I’m still waiting to see if anything goes completely haywire, and I do need to double-check it on my PC at home to be sure, but I think the problem may have been the Firebug addon. While it _is_ a very...

Firefox Lag

I’ve loved Firefox from the first day I started using it several years ago – tabbed browsing, nearly infinite customizability, and less glitchy than IE. Also, at the time, it was super-lightweight and fast, which was another key point for making the switch...


For the longest time, I’ve been a huge fan of “Metapad”:http://www.liquidninja.com/metapad/ as a replacement text editor for the native Windows Notepad. Just recently, however, the news came across my feed reader that the fine folks over at...

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