Some New WordPress Plugins

I haven’t done one of these in a while, but I wanted to point out a handful of new plugins I’ve started using recently. Better Comments Manager is another of those plugins that’s been added to my list of essentials for any WordPress installation. It...

iPhone Touchscreen

This iPhone Commercial Spoof demonstrates a fair point. I’d thought of that quite a while back when I first heard about it. Heck, just my ear leaves smudges on the little glass display on my wireless phone at home. I think I’d find having an entire display...

Navigation 1.3 for bbPress

With “bbPress 0.8.2 hot off the press”: and, with it, the addition of the ability to create child boards, “I’ve released version...

Gaming On a Whole New Level

The Xbox 360 is just simply amazing. Last night was the first time I’ve ever really had the chance to sit down and explore my way through the new dashboard and see all the available features. I was awed. It’s sleek, trim, and sharp and miles better than...

Silicanized Scrap

It’s official – my 1GB flash drive, the one I’ve been running Firefox, Filezilla, GAIM, and every single other portable application from for the last several months, is officially hosed. I plugged it into my computer at home tonight and got the same...

Flash Drive Troubles

My flash drive and I are at odds this morning. It was working when I left the house for work today, but when I plugged it into my computer at work, suddenly it was no longer formatted – and would I like to format it? Of course not, I say, since that would mean I...

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