Going Long

I have to admit – I’m somewhat nervous about attempting to write a longer story. Do I have what it takes? Can I develop both the plot and the characterizations properly to keep the story moving, to keep it interesting, to keep my readers engaged? Flash...

Firefox 1.5

I keep hearing people complain about Firefox 1.5 being a RAM hog. Funny – I haven’t noticed that much of a problem with it.

Speculation on Horror

There was a period of time this morning where I actually almost felt bad about submitting my bit of “flash fiction”:http://curveballconspiracy.blogspot.com/2006/06/heritage-repaid.html, even though it obviously met “The Curveball...

King Search

Who is this person (or are these people) who keep finding my site via a search for “That’s my king?” It’s become the fourth most frequent keyword referral to my site just in the last few days.

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