Oh So Busy

Well, I’m afraid that my writing time has been at a bit of a minimum the last week or two. In addition, I’ve had no time as yet to develop the new WordPress theme for “Flashes of Speculation”:http://fs.shamuswrites.com in preparation for its...


It’s only taken me four years to do it, but this is finally the 1000th post on this blog. Admittedly, my first two years of blogging were sporadic at best. There was something about the Xanga community that just never really inspired me to write much. I think it...

Nursing a Coke

I’d like to point out that “a writer friend of mine is back in action”:http://www.xanga.com/YOYOY008/616051806/responsible.html and churning out a story or two. The short story I just linked to, entitled “Responsible,” is dark and...

Writing Prompt #1

I’d like to try something new – but it’s going to require a bit of reader participation. I know I don’t really have the time to sit down and do a lot of fiction writing right now, and I suspect there are a lot of others in the same boat. But I...

Wet Paper Sack

Can you “write your way out of a wet paper sack”:http://www.poewar.com/writing-your-way-out-of-a-wet-paper-sack/? It’s really a very important skill to have. (Source:...

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