Apex Digest and Clarity of Night

A couple of items of note: * “Apex Digest”:http://apexdigest.com is running a subscription drive. They need more subscribers in order to be able to raise the pay rate for contributing writers. If you like science fiction and horror, then I highly recommend...

Writing Prompt #2

As promised here’s this week’s writing prompt. I’m even going to try to find time to whip up a story for it myself. Remember to keep the story at 1000 words or less. Comment here with a link back to your story, and at the end of the week, I’ll...

Happenings and Happenstance

Ok, apparently, I’ve been terribly neglectful of my blog these past few days. I’ve actually got two entries in draft form that I just haven’t quite finished yet. So, in an effort to catch myself up on some of my happenings the last few days,...

Flashes of Speculation – Relaunch Examined

“Flashes of Speculation”:http://fs.shamuswrites.com has been awake again for less than 24 hours, and already I’m very happy with things. I’ve had a handful of past contributors declare their excitement at its revival, and I’ve had three...

The Story That Drives the FPS

John Scalzi “points out on his blog”:http://scalzi.com/whatever/?p=18 that the Writers Guild of America has created a new award for videogame writing. This brings into sharp relief again one of the elements that has me so hooked on the Halo series....

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