Pointless Speculation, Revisited

bq. What about questioning the existence of God, the legitimacy of the Bible, whether or not one should be living to bring glory to God? Are these also questions one should speculativly ask?...

Pointless Speculation

When does “speculation become pointless?”:http://open-dialogue.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1526#1526 Just how many times can one ask, ‘What if…?’ before one ends up beating a dead horse? There are a lot of questions asked within the realm...

Just a Single Data Point

It’s always a little bit frightening (read ‘scary’, ‘nerve-wracking’) to “discover”:http://open-dialogue.com/blog/index.php/archives/60#comments you are being read, and then that you are being “taken at least somewhat...

“Is He Safe?”

A “couple”:http://www.xanga.com/wildernesschild of “different”:http://bothworlds.typepad.com/both_worlds/2005/12/aslan_as_christ.html “discussions”:http://www.xanga.com/godchaesr have sparked my thinking on the juxtaposition of...

Loving and Hating

A “series of questions”:http://www.xanga.com/godchaesr/402392715/god-loves-me-god-hates-me-at-the-same-time.html thrown out by “godchaesr”:http://www.xanga.com/godchaesr: bq. could it be that hatred and love are not opposites? could God love...

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