Musical Posture

I heard an evangelist speak once when I was a kid. His topic was music, particularly the evils of rock ‘n’ roll. I don’t remember much now of what he said but for one thing. It was something to the effect that rock music was evil because most rock...

When You Can’t Feel His Presence…

One of the things I most love and enjoy about worship and praise songs is that they help me to feel close to my Savior. I loved the occasional praise chapels during my undergraduate education because I would usually leave those services feeling energized and happy....

The Baby and the Bathwater

I admit it — I’m having a hard time coming to terms with the emergent movement. Maybe it’s because I’ve almost always been in churches that have their acts together, that are active both in ministering to the Body and in reaching out to the...


Here we go…. bq. Ok. You walk through one of those portals you talked about in your last post. Tell us what you see. – “Theresa”: The air is hot and rank with the stench of sulfur. The sun is high in the sky, but the...

The Fellowship of Suffering

“Philippians 3:7-14”: (New International Version) 7But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to...

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