
One of the advantages of being flat on one’s back is I’ve had time to do a little WordPress theme design the last couple of days. I volunteered to host and build a new website for my parents’ church – the one they had before was, quite frankly,...


You may have noticed that periodically my site goes down due to a CPU Exceeded error from my server. It’s been a constant annoyance the last two or three weeks, and research into the problem has not revealed the specific cause. It may well be that I’m...

Code Geek

I am a WordPress god! Ok, not really, but I _am_ enjoying the fact that I can now manipulate a WP theme pretty easily. It’s true – the more you use CSS, the more you play around with web design, the better you get at it. I host a number of different...

WP 2.2

Just updated with the latest version of WordPress again (2.2). Painless as always and I like the new features. I played with the RC1 version last week and enjoyed having widget support built in and automatic disabling of plugins that’ll generate fatal errors....

WP 2.2 RC1

I ran WordPress 2.2 RC1 through a quick test-drive this morning. Most of the changes in this version are all but invisible – or for the most aggressive WordPress users. The biggest thing that users will likely notice and care about is the widgets.php now being...

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