One Column or Two?

Excuse me for a moment while I toss out a little mini-rant… I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for a nice single-column theme to use on my blog. I’ve got Daydream, which I’m using now and that I like quite a lot, but I’m always interested...

Business Cleavage?

Apparently, business casual dress for women now requires they display a minimum of two inches of cleavage, with three to four inches being preferred. This is actually rather annoying.

Heroes Returns – In Theory

“Heroes”: is back this coming Monday, and does anyone actually remember where we left off? This ultra-long break has left me, for one, very disconnected from the _Heroes_ storyline. They had better give us a nice, long montage at...

Spring? How I Miss Thee

Where the heck is all the spring weather? We had a couple of weeks there at the end of March with absolutely gorgeous days and record highs. I had high hopes that we’d seen the end of winter’s grip. But now we’re back into February- and March-like...

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