One Plugin Gained, One Lost

I’ve been having a little bit of fun with the “Counterize II”: plugin. I’ve suspected for a while that the “WP-Shortstat”: plugin may not be entirely...

Google and Apple To Take Over the World

Google has made me a very happy camper recently. It started about the time I finally landed one of those much coveted Gmail beta-tester accounts – I’ve never been happier with email. Then, I discovered how powerful the Google search engine really is...

Gone LiveJournaling

My plan for blogger global domination has taken the next step – I’ve created a “LiveJournal account”: More importantly, I’ve installed a WordPress plugin that will automatically crosspost new entries...


I’ve decided the time has come to say goodbye to a couple more of my Firefox extensions. And I have to say, I’m not really going to miss them. The first was “coComment”: I’ve been using this one for a while now...

Just the Way You Are

I’d rather laugh than cry: he loves me anyway It’s a common ideal in American culture that our women must have a certain look in order to be considered attractive. They must all be slim and curvacious and positively dead-sexy. Supermodels are the ideal,...

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