Postmodernism in Politics

There is no clear-cut definition for postmodernism, but it does seem to encompass two general facets of philosophy — 1) that all ‘truth’ is relative to the individual, that it is, essentially, whatever you make of it, and 2) a strong focus on...

Pointless Speculation

When does “speculation become pointless?”: Just how many times can one ask, ‘What if…?’ before one ends up beating a dead horse? There are a lot of questions asked within the realm...

Just a Single Data Point

It’s always a little bit frightening (read ‘scary’, ‘nerve-wracking’) to “discover”: you are being read, and then that you are being “taken at least somewhat...

Hope, Faith, Belief…

hope, faith, choice, belief, truth, reality “Jackal”: has asked an interesting “question”: going about which of the words above stand as most important and why. What is more...

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