From Fire, Life

From Fire, Life

I’ve had a lot of different imagery floating through my mind over the last year as I’ve progressively taken more control and responsibility for my personal growth and development, both as an individual and as someone living a chronic mental illness. Fire...

Thought for the Day

There is a significant difference between breaking the rules and breaking the law. One is a key factor in progress and innovation; the other is a breach of morality and trust. Thoughts? Bear in mind, this only just occurred to me, so I haven’t even had time to...


I’ve just quite a bit of material to write about, all of it stacking up in the queue. Most of it right now has to do with theology and philosophy and the like, some of it has to do with writing, and some to do with gaming. All of it requires a clear head to mull...

Escapism and Imagination

I stumbled across a debate yesterday on the topic of escapism, worldbuilding, and speculative fiction. I had initially intended to contribute my own thoughts to this discussion, but after having perused a number of _other_ opinions on various websites and blogs, I...

Rational/Emotional Logic

A friend “wrote an entry”: yesterday that got me thinking – the natural state of so-called ‘rational thinkers’ is, at best, skepticism and, at worst, out-right cynicism and...