eBooks Are Bad

I could list for you 10 reasons why ebooks suck, but Rob does it so much better. Personally, I’d much rather hold a book printed on paper in my hands than try to read it off a screen. For one thing, all that scrolling makes my head hurt after awhile, whereas...

Writing Toolkit

Speaking of “writing toolkits”:http://open-dialogue.com/blog/2006/07/07/enhancing-that-toolkit/ I know I always appreciate it when writers share the tools they use in their writing, so let me lay out my toolkit and let you pick and choose what tools, if...

Never Leave Home Without Them

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary and Franklin Thesaurus Card One of the best features in the “Palm Tungsten T5”:http://www.palm.com/us/products/handhelds/tungsten-t5/ handheld is its memory slot. So far, I haven’t had a reason to use it for...

Sage, Halo 2 Soundtrack, & T2 Keyboard

Sage I stumbled across a Firefox plugin for something called Sage yesterday. Sage is an extension that loads your RSS feeds right into one of your Firefox tabs. I figured I’d try it out and see if I could further centralize all the blogs I read into one...

Goblet of Fire, Tungsten T5, and Empyrion I

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire How do you condense a 734 page book into a 2.5-hour movie? The answer is that you don’t. _Goblet_ was an exercise in thumbnail moviemaking. Each scene was little more than a visual sketch of each chapter in the book, jerking...