Dance in the Dark

This entry is part 12 of 14 in the series The DarkWe moved lightly through the corridor, which eventually opened up in a larger space, pocked with deep pools of the evil liquid. We paused, scanning the room, then looked to each other. Without a word, we clasped hands....

Danger in the Dark

This entry is part 11 of 14 in the series The DarkAt some point the redolent scent of moisture reached our noses, clinging to the air around us. Soon, it became apparent why. We reached a section of tunnel that was damp and cool, moist with condensation that itself...

Companions in the Dark

This entry is part 10 of 14 in the series The DarkWe traveled again, the tunnel growing narrower and wider at sporadic intervals. At times we were able to walk side-by-side. At others we were forced to move one behind the other, and when we did, we each took turns...

Aid in the Dark

This entry is part 9 of 14 in the series The DarkYou were at my side in an instant, an angel of light and beauty so magnificent that even now I cannot put it to words. You fell to your knees and cradled my head in your lap. I barely heard the slight pop of a vial...

Wounded in the Dark

This entry is part 8 of 14 in the series The DarkWe spotted dozens of other traps as we progressed, avoiding each with ease. They were not well hidden, seeming to be laid more as an annoyance than as to be any genuine threat. And yet we took no chances. We treated...

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