Choose Wisely

“Frank’s Atheistic Ramblings: Jon Stewart”: A quote from “franky’s”: blog: bq. Yes, the long war on Christianity. I...

Not My Voice

They speak as though for many, when in reality they speak for so few. Their cause is just, their motive good, their methods less than desirable. They gain media attention, the negative kind, of course, because their “words are so...

Litigation to Asinine Proportions

Tied the Leader: The Culture of Litigation “XerxDeeJ”: “writes”: about one of my pet peeves — “people who...

Taking On Violent Games

Bayh takes aim at violent games | “Senator Evan Bayh”:, D-Ind., is taking on the video game industry. Specifically, he plans to introduce legislation next year to legally...

Going From Cynical To…

I’m working on trying to be less cynical. I overheard a comment today about hard how people have been working this week, and my first thought was to remark about how poor the guy’s work ethic was. It wasn’t until I’d followed that train of...

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