“Frank’s Atheistic Ramblings: Jon Stewart”:http://franksatheisticramblings.blogspot.com/2005/12/jon-stewart.html
A quote from “franky’s”:http://franksatheisticramblings.blogspot.com/ blog:
bq. Yes, the long war on Christianity. I pray that one day we may live in an America where Christians can worship freely! In broad daylight! Openly wearing the symbols of their religion…. perhaps around their necks? And maybe – dare I dream it? – maybe one day there can be an openly Christian President. Or, perhaps, 43 of them. Consecutively.
The ‘war’ that most Christians are fighting is not so much to attain the freedom to worship as it is maintaining that right. There are those who are blatantly antagonistic toward Christianity and its followers and who would love nothing more than to outlaw the practice of religion (all religions) as an outdated, outmoded, and archaic system. Unfortunately, a lot of Christians don’t do themselves any favors in their approach to preserve their rights and react against these voices. I personally think that Christians should only take the religious battle to the government and the courtrooms when actual rights are being lost, rather than over what I consider to be petty arguments about the pledge, the verbiage of American currency, or what to name what have been traditionally Christian holidays. I do think Christians should be involved in politics, but I think Christians have a bad habit of choosing their battles unwisely.
On Dec.05 You ask which was the most important? TRUTH has to be#1. Anything that’s half true you can’t depend on. Think about how much time would be wasted waiting untrue hope, faith, religion or science. How much of a chance would we have had getting to the moon with all most true science.
The “war” on Christianity is more subversive than it is overt. For those antagonistic towards Christianity, the goal is not to kill it, but rather to neuter it, so that it becomes an empty husk of cultural practices rather than a potent and substantial worldview.
I echo the sentiment that Christians have a bad habit of picking the wrong battles. On the flip side I am not about to go “outlaw the practice of religion” even if I do believe it is an “archaic system”. People have every right to believe what they want.
I realize that it’s probably not the majority who wish to outlaw religion, so I hope that wasn’t the point I communicated. I merely wanted to recognize the fact that such people exist, some of whom work in positions of power.