Knowing When To Speak Up In A Post-Modern Culture

Well, Liz requested my thoughts on knowing when to speak up for your beliefs in a post-modern world, so here goes. (Liz, let me know if I’ve addressed your comment adequately.) It’s true. It really is hard sometimes to know when to speak up in a...

Seeing Both Sides of the Argument

Why is it that a person cannot talk about both the pros and cons of an issue without being perceived as taking the opposite side as everyone else? (And yes, this does involve that person being seen as supporting either side, depending on what position every other...

Knowing When To Just Keep Your Mouth Shut

It’s interesting. There have been several moments over the last few weeks where I have either read something on Xanga or overheard something that was said in casual conversation that have just caused me to think, “Hey, now. That’s not right.”...

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